vle-forge / vle

Virtual Laboratory Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 22 forks source link
discrete-events-simulations inrae multi-modeling simulation vle

Virtual Laboratory Environment 2.1

Linux Windows
Linux Windows build status

See AUTHORS and COPYRIGHT for the list of contributors.

VLE is an operational framework for multi-modeling, simulation and analysis of complex dynamical systems. It addresses the reliability issue by using recent developments in the theory of modeling and simulation proposed by B. Zeigler with the Discrete Event System Specification formalism (DEVS).


For the VFL API:

For the MPI command line:

For the GUI:

Getting the code

The source tree is currently hosted on Github and Sourceforge. To view the repository online: https://github.com/vle-forge/vle The URL to clone it:

cd $HOME/
git clone git://github.com/vle-forge/vle.git

Install dependencies (recent ubuntu/debian). Copy/paste the following lines:

apt-get install curl libexpat1-dev libboost-dev cmake pkg-config g++ \
        qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools \
        qtchooser qt5-default libqcustomplot-dev \
        asciidoctor ruby-asciidoctor

Once you have met requirements, compiling and installing is simple. Copy/paste the following lines:

cd vle
mkdir build
cd build
export QT_SELECT=qt5
make install


This software in GPLv3 or later. See the file COPYING. Some files are under a different license. Check the headers for the copyright info.


VLE is a multi-modeling environment to build model, to simulate and analys them. To more information, see the VLE website (http://www.vle-projet.org).

To build a new package::

vle-2.1 -P mypackage create

To configure, build a package::

vle-2.1 -P mypackage configure build

To run vpz in a package::

vle-2.1 -P mypackage file.vpz