vovagorodok / ble_ota_app

Upload firmware over Bluetooth
MIT License
15 stars 3 forks source link
android android-app ble bluetooth bluetooth-low-energy flutter ios ios-app ota ota-firmware-updates ota-update


Graphical application for upload firmware over Bluetooth.

Fully works on Android and iOS. For other OS it depends on flutter_reactive_ble library.
Local files upload is disabled by default to prevent unknown firmware upload by end users, enable it by changing Always allow local files upload in Settings.
Additionally update functionality for specific hardwares is supported. If you want end users have ability to update your hardware check doc/ADD_NEW_HARDWARE.md.

<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Google_Play_Store_badge_EN.svg" alt="Download from Google Play" height="50">    <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Get_it_onF-Droid%28material_design%29.svg" alt="Download from F-Droid" height="50">    <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Download_on_the_App_Store_Badge.svg" alt="Download from App Store" height="50">

REMARK: Application not released on App Store yet. Apple corporation require 100$/year developer fees even for free and open source applications. If you want to support project, fill free to send me small amout or help with idea how to release app in iOS without developer fees.

Peripheral device side

Arduino library: https://github.com/vovagorodok/ArduinoBleOTA