vscodethemes / web

Search and preview themes from the VS Code Marketplace.
796 stars 36 forks source link
railway remix shadcn-ui theme vscode


Search and preview themes from the Visual Studio Marketplace. Built with Remix, shadcn and hosted with Railway.

Aanlytics powered by Plausible CE and available at vscodethemes.com/plausible.

How it Works

VS Code Themes scans the Visual Studio Marketplace and maintains a searchable database of themes.

In order for a theme to show up on the website:

  1. A description must exist in the extension's manifest
  2. Themes must be .json (.tmTheme files are not supported)

Missing a theme? Open an issue.

Creating a Theme

Here are some helpful links if you'd like to create your own theme:


Helping you discover new themes since 2018: