A 2D game engine written in Crystal using crsfml
This library aims to offer a simple interface for game programming with less boilerplate code. I mainly create it for my own games, for my own education and of course for the fun.
You can find examples in the examples directory. To run an example, execute the following command in your terminal, while in the root directory of this repo:
crystal run examples/<example-name>/main.cr
# e. g.
crystal run examples/hello_world/main.cr
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: vypxl/scar
branch: main
If you run into build/linking problems, please check if you have SFML installed properly, as described in the CrSFML Guide. You do not need to add CrSFML as a dependency!
Feature requests are welcome, just open an issue!
$ scripts/create-git-hooks
You have to ensure that crystal spec
and crystal tool format --check ./src ./spec
return 0.