wallpants / pantsdown

Markdown to "GitHub HTML" parser
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bun css gfm html markdown parser renderer typescript vite


Pantsdown is a Markdown to HTML converter. It attempts to render markdown similar to how GitHub does it plus some features developed specifically for github-preview.nvim.

▶️ Demo

📦 Installation

This package is distributed only as a TypeScript module. This means you'll need a bundler to handle transpilation. See below for usage examples.

# bun
bun install pantsdown
# npm
npm install pantsdown

💻 Usage

🚨 Pantsdown does not sanitize the output HTML. If you are processing potentially unsafe strings, it's recommended you use a sanitization library like DOMPurify.


For styles to be properly applied, either the element containing the generated html or one of its parents must have the classes class="pantsdown light" or class="pantsdown dark" added. You can also add the class "high-contrast" to enable high-contrast themes class="pantsdown dark high-contrast" or class="pantsdown light high-contrast".


Take a look at how Pantsdown's demo is built for a very simple usage example with Bun.


Create a Vite Project & install dependencies:

bun create vite my-app --template react-swc-ts
cd my-app
bun install pantsdown

Remove CSS from my-app/src/main.tsx:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import App from './App.tsx'
- import './index.css'

    <App />

Replace content in my-app/src/App.tsx:

import { Pantsdown } from "pantsdown";
import "pantsdown/styles.css";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const pantsdown = new Pantsdown();

function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const container = document.getElementById("markdown-container");
    if (!container) return;

    const markdown = "# Hello world\n- [ ] Task 1\n- [x] Task 2";
    const { html, javascript } = pantsdown.parse(markdown);
    container.innerHTML = html;

    const newScript = document.createElement("script");
    newScript.text = javascript;
  }, []);

  // ⚠️ for styles to be applied, a parent element must have
  // the classes "pantsdown light" or "pantsdown dark" added
  return <div id="markdown-container" className="pantsdown light" />;

export default App;

⚙️ Configuration

The Pantsdown constructor accepts an optional configuration object. If you

import { Pantsdown, type PartialPantsdownConfig } from "pantsdown";

// This is the default config object. If you provide
// a config object, it will be deeply merged into this.
const config: PartialPantsdownConfig = {
  renderer: {
     * Prefix to be added to relative image sources.
     * Must start and end with "/"
     * @example
     * relativeImageUrlPrefix: "/__localimage__/"
     * ![image](./wallpants-512.png)
     * relative src is updated and results in:
     * <img src="https://github.com/wallpants/pantsdown/raw/main/__localimage__/wallpants-512.png" />
     * ![image](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/wallpants)
     * absolute src remains unchanged:
     * <img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/wallpants" />
    relativeImageUrlPrefix: "",

     * Whether to render <details> html tags with attribute open=""
     * @default
     * false
    detailsTagDefaultOpen: false,

const pantsdown = new Pantsdown(config);
const html = pantsdown.parse(markdown);


🤝 Acknowledgements

Pantsdown is based on Marked. Without their hard work, Pantsdown would not exist.