wexond / browser-base

Modern and feature-rich web browser base based on Electron
2.67k stars 408 forks source link
browser chromium desktop electron extensions javascript material plugins privacy react themes typescript wexond

Wexond Browser Base

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Table of Contents:


Compiling and editing Chromium directly may be challenging and time consuming, so we decided to build Wexond with modern web technologies. Hence, the development effort and time is greatly reduced. Either way Firefox is based on Web Components and Chrome implements new dialogs in WebUI (which essentially is hosted in WebContents).


Other basic features



UI normal variant: image

UI compact variant: image image




If you have found any bugs or just want to see some new features in Wexond, feel free to open an issue. Every suggestion is very valuable for us, as they help us improve the browsing experience. Also, please don't hesitate to open a pull request. This is really important to us and for the further development of this project.

By opening a pull request, you agree to the conditions of the Contributor License Agreement.



Before running Wexond, please ensure you have latest Node.js and Yarn installed on your machine.


Make sure you have build tools installed. You can install them by running this command as administrator:

$ npm i -g windows-build-tools
$ yarn # Install needed depedencies.
$ yarn rebuild # Rebuild native modules using Electron headers.
$ yarn dev # Run Wexond in development mode

More commands

$ yarn compile-win32 # Package Wexond for Windows
$ yarn compile-linux # Package Wexond for Linux
$ yarn compile-darwin # Package Wexond for macOS
$ yarn lint # Runs linter
$ yarn lint-fix # Runs linter and automatically applies fixes

More commands can be found in package.json.


Guides and the API reference are located in docs directory.


Usage of this project code and assets is disallowed.

By sending a Pull Request, you agree that your code may be relicensed or sublicensed.