workgena / dotfiles

A set of my Vim, Git, and shell configurations :open_file_folder:
MIT License
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fonts gitconfig vimrc


A set of Vim, Git, Terminal/Shell, etc. configuration files.

Favorite color schemes


List of interesting VIM plugins


Terminal base16 favourites themes


Gamified experience to help you find your true love of coding fonts!

List of best Coding Fonts on CSS-Tricks

Programming font comparison

Click to expand! * `Source Code Pro Regular` | [homepage]( * `SF Mono Regular` * [Cousine]( * `Droid Sans Mono` * [Roboto Mono]( * `Ubuntu Mono` * `Hack` * [IBM Plex Mono]( | [homepage]( | [Get Plex]( * [Anka/Coder]( * [Meslo]( # Customized version of Apple's Menlo font * [Monaco]( * [Monego]( # nice curved font, similar to Monaco * `Menlo` * `Fira Mono` [\[1\]]( | [\[2\]]( * `Edlo` * `Consolas` * `Inconsolata` * `Monofur` * [Hermit]( # необычный, уникальный * [Nitti PX]( * [Space Mono]( * [ProFfontIIx Nerd Mono]( # очешь просторный, начертание необычное * `Terminus`

Improve Font Rendering on Debian 8 By Installing Infinality and Ubuntu Fonts describes how to use OSX style

Vim articles, cheat sheets, tutorials

Shell(Terminal emulator)

JSHint for Vim