yilozt / rounded-window-corners

A gnome-shell extensions that try to add rounded corners for all windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
456 stars 45 forks source link
gjs gnome gnome-shell-extension typescript

Rounded Window Corners

A gnome-shell extensions that try to add rounded corners for all windows





2022-07-29 23-49-57


From Ego

Install extensions from here.

From source code

It will install extensions to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions, need to install yarn, Node.js and gettext

git clone https://github.com/yilozt/rounded-window-corners
cd rounded-window-corners
yarn install && yarn ext:install

In NixOS, you can use nix-shell to enter a development shell before run yarn install.

You may need to install those packages when building this extensions. Feel free to open issues if you got error.

sudo pacman -S nodejs yarn gettext                      # Arch Linux
sudo apt install nodejs yarnpkg gettext                 # Ubuntu
sudo dnf install nodejs yarnpkg gettext gettext-devel   # Fedora

From Releases / Github Actions

Download extensions pack from Releases Page, or download git version from Github Actions. After download extensions pack, you need use gnome-extensions to install it, then restart gnome-shell to enable this extensions.

release-badge pack-padge

gnome-extensions install rounded-window-corners@yilozt.shell-extension.zip



You can help translate this extensions by using Weblate, or update po files then open a pull request.

To add new translations for extensions, you can add .po files in po directory via msginit, then use your favorite text editor to edit it.

cd po && msginit   # Add po file for new translations

You can run yarn ext:install or yarn dev to install extensions with with new translations. In XOrg sessions, just press Alt + F2 -> r to restart gnome-session then preview the result. In Wayland session, have to logout session then login again to reload extensions.

yarn dev will watch changes of .po files, once you have update translations, it will compile and install extensions automatically.



yarn build 

Watch files

Build and install extensions when files in src folder changed.

yarn dev

Test in Virtual Box by Vagrant

Need to install Vagrant and Virtual Box. This command will setup a virtual machine that enable log of extensions in terminal.

yarn vm