ytliu74 / obsidian-pseudocode

An obsidian plugin that helps to render a LaTeX-style pseudocode inside a code block.
MIT License
84 stars 4 forks source link
latex obsidian-plugins


This is a plugin for Obsidian that allows you to render LaTeX-style pseudocode inside a code block. The plugin is based on pseudocode.js, a JavaScript library that typesets pseudocode beautifully to HTML.


Future Features



To use the plugin, simply create a code block in your Obsidian note and add your pseudocode inside it. Then, add the language specifier pseudo (short for "pseudocode") to the code block. The plugin will automatically render the pseudocode as LaTeX.

Rocommend: use the command Pseudocode: Insert a new pseudocode block to start.

Here is an example:

      \Procedure{Quicksort}{$A, p, r$}
        \If{$p < r$}
          \State $q \gets $ \Call{Partition}{$A, p, r$}
          \State \Call{Quicksort}{$A, p, q - 1$}
          \State \Call{Quicksort}{$A, q + 1, r$}
      \Procedure{Partition}{$A, p, r$}
        \State $x \gets A[r]$
        \State $i \gets p - 1$
        \For{$j \gets p$ \To $r - 1$}
          \If{$A[j] < x$}
            \State $i \gets i + 1$
            \State exchange
            $A[i]$ with $A[j]$
        \State exchange $A[i]$ with $A[r]$

This will be rendered as (to render line number, you need to toggle it in setting tab):

<div align="center">
<img src="" alt="example" width="70%">

### Preamble style customization

#### Use a `.sty` file

You can use a `.sty` file (actually the suffix does not matter) to customize with some macros. The plugin will locate the file according to the setting. The default path is `preamble.sty`. 

Please reload the plugin after you change the preamble file.

#### Use in-block preamble

You can simply write your own macros in the pseudocode block before `\begin{algorithm}`. These macros will only be applicable within this specific block.

#### Supported macros

Currently supported macros can be found at [this link]( and below(might not be fully supported):

1. `\DeclarePairedDelimiter`
2. `\DeclareMathOperator*`
3. `\DeclareMathOperator`

### Export to a compilable LaTeX file

You can easily export a compilable LaTeX file by clicking the `Export to clipboard` button at the bottom right corner for each pseudocode block. The plugin will automatically generate a compilable LaTeX file, including any required additional macros, to your clipboard.

## Installation

<!-- ### Install from the Community Plugins in Obsidian. -->

:tada: The Pseudocode plugin is now available in the Community Plugins section of Obsidian. To install it, simply search for **Pseudocode** and click on the installation button.

<!-- ### Use [BRAT](

1. Install **Obsidian-42 BRAT** from the Community Plugins in Obsidian.
2. Open the command palette and run the command `BRAT: Add a beta plugin for testing`. Input this repo's URL ``.
3. Click on **Add Plugin** -- wait a few seconds and BRAT will tell you what is going on.
4. After BRAT confirms the installation, in Settings go to the **Community plugins** tab.
5. Refresh the list, find `Pseudocode` and enable it.

### Manual install

1. Create a folder named `pseudocode-in-obs` in your Obsidian vault plugin folder (which is {Your Vault}/.obsidian/plugins).
2. Download `main.js`, `manifest.json` and `styles.css` from the [releases page](, to the folder you just created in step 1.
3. Open your Obsidian, and enable the plugin in "Community Plugins" setting page.
4. Enjoy. -->

<!-- ## Known Issues -->

## Credits

This plugin is based on [pseudocode.js](, a JavaScript library that typesets pseudocode beautifully to HTML. Many thanks to the pseudocode.js team for their great work!