zhangganlin / Improved-PSMNet-for-Deep-Stereo-Disparity-Estimation

Improved-PSMNet: Combining PSM, group-wise corr, dilatedResNet, segmentation to estimate accurate disparity of stereo image pairs efficiently.
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deep-learning depth-estimation disparity psmnet pytorch segmentation semantic-segmentation stereo-vision

Improved PSMNet for Deep Stereo Disparity Estimation

This is the code repository of Improved-PSMNet. Implemented by PyTorch.

See our project report for details.


Ganlin Zhang (@zhangganlin) Haokai Pang (@hkkkpang) Xinyu Shen(@ucabxs0) Yunying Zhu(@yunyingzhu)


Improved-PSMNet is designed to estimate disparity from stereo image pairs. Here is the structure of Improved-PSMNet:

Detailed structure in the green dashed box is displayed below:


Left and right input images:

Disparity groundtruth and our estimation:

Conda Virtual Environment

conda env create -f env.yaml

Activate the conda environment before run the code.

conda activate IPSM


Only left image, right image and groundtruth disparity are needed.

Download these two datasets and extract them into dataset folder. The folder structure should be as follow:

├── data_scene_flow_2015
│   ├── testing
│   │   ├── image_2
│   │   └── image_3
│   └── training
│       ├── disp_occ_0
│       ├── image_2
│       └── image_3
├── driving_disparity
│   └── 35mm_focallength
│       └── scene_forwards
│           ├── fast
│           │   ├── left
│           │   └── right
│           └── slow
│               ├── left
│               └── right
└── driving_frame_cleanpass
    └── 35mm_focallength
        └── scene_forwards
            ├── fast
            │   ├── left
            │   └── right
            └── slow
                ├── left
                └── right

Semantic Segmentation Model

cd into semantic_segmentation folder and download pretrained semantic segmentation model from MIT CSAIL Computer Vision

cd semantic_segmentation
bash download_pretrained_model.sh
cd ..

Training Improved-PSMNet on SceneFlow dataset

bash train.sh

Finetuning Improved-PSMNet

Notice that our model is only trained on SceneFlow, if you want it to have better performance on KITTI, you can finetune it after the training phase.

bash finetune.sh

Getting output disparity image

After training/finetuning the network, we can use it to generate estimated disparity image.

bash test_img.sh

Pretrained model

We also provide pretrained model, so that you can use it directly to test the network.

Extract it put it into trained folder. The folder structure should be as follow:

├── dilated
├── dilated_gwc_seg
├── dilated_seg
├── gwc
├── gwc_dilated
├── gwc_seg
├── new_psm
└── seg

Euler Cluster

Some notes about how to train the network on ETHZ's Euler Cluster are listed in how-to-hand-in-job.md