zhangzhengde0225 / CDNet

The tutorials, datasets and source codes of the crosswalk detection (zebra crossing detection) network, which is robust in real scenes and real-time in Jetson nano. cross. detect. pedestrian.
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crosswalk crosswalk-detection deep-learning jetson-nano nvidia object-detection zebra zebra-crossing

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This repository is the codes, datasets and tutorials for the paper "CDNet: a real-time and robust crosswalk detection network on Jetson nano based on YOLOv5".

CDNet (Crosswalk Detection Network) is a specific implementation of crosswalk (zebra crossing) detection and vehicle crossing behavior analysis under the vision of vehicle-mounted camera.


Fig.1 Graphical abstract.




Get CDNet code and configure the environment, please check out docs/INSTALL.md

Model Zoo

Please check out docs/MODEL_ZOO.md


Download trainsets and testsets, please check out docs/DATASETS.md

Quick Start


Once you get the CDNet code, configure the environment and download the dataset, juse type:

python train.py --trainset_path </path/to/trainset/folder>
(such as: /home/xxx/datasets/train_data_yolov5_format) 

The training results and weights will be saved in runs/expxx/ directory.

The main optional arguments:

--device "0, 1"  # cpu or gpu id, "0, 1" means use two gpu to train.
--img-size 640 
--batch-size 32 
--epochs 100 
--not-use-SE  # use original YOLOv5 which not SE-module embedded if there is the flag


Detect the crosswalk image by image and analyze the vehicle crossing behavior.

python detect.py

The main optional arguments:

--source example/images  # images dir
--output example/output  # output dir
--img-size 640  # inference model size
--device "0"   # use cpu or gpu(gpu id)
--plot-classes ["crosswalk"]  # plot classes
--field-size 5  # the Slide receptive field size of SSVM 
--not-use-ROI  # not use roi for accelerate inference speed if there is the flag
--not-use-SSVM  # not use ssvm method for analyse vehicle crossing behavior if there is the flag

For more details, please refer to docs/INSTALL.md and docs/DATASETS.md.

Fogging Augment

If you want to augment datasets by synthetic fog algorithm, just run:

python fog_augment.py

For more details, please view the source code in fog_augment.py and /scripts/synthetic_fog.py



Fig.2 Performance compared to YOLOv5.

CDNet improves the score for 5.13 points and speed for 10.7 FPS on Jetson nano for detection size of 640 compared to YOLOv5.

For detection size of 288, the improvements are 13.38 points and 13.1 FPS.


CDNet is authored by Zhengde Zhang, Menglu Tan, Zhicai Lan, Haichun Liu, Ling Pei and Wenxian Yu.

Currently, it is maintained by Zhengde Zhang (drivener@163.com).

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question.

The Academic homepage of Zhengde Zhang: zhangzhengde0225.github.io.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant Numbers: 61873163].

We acknowledge the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for providing computing resources.

We are very grateful to the yolov5 project for the benchmark detection algorithm.

We are very grateful to the tensorrtx project for the deployment techniques to the Jetson nano.


Detect Video Samples:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qf4y1B7BA

Read Full Text of This Paper:https://rdcu.be/cHuc8

Download Full Text of this Paper:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-07007-9

Project Introduction on CSDN:http://t.csdn.cn/Cf7c7

If it is helps you, please star this project in the upper right corner and cite this paper blow.


author={Zheng-De Zhang, Meng-Lu Tan, Zhi-Cai Lan, Hai-Chun Liu, Ling Pei and Wen-Xian Yu},
title={CDNet: a real-time and robust crosswalk detection network on Jetson nano based on YOLOv5},
Journal={Neural Computing and Applications}, 


CDNet is freely available for free non-commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. For commercial queries, please drop an e-mail at drivener@163.com. We will send the detail agreement to you.