The [OGC API - Styles](https://docs.ogc.org/DRAFTS/20-009.html) *Draft* Standard enables map servers, clients as well as visual style editors, to manage and fetch styles. The styles consist of symboli…
I would expect the web UI search to return (at least one) positive "hit" for the term "Spittal" ... this is part of the delegated register /def/bathingWaters [http://environment.data.gov.uk/doc/bathin…
The 'shortname' `def-bwp_pollutionRiskForecastStatement` from the following URI reference:
att [badvattenspecen](https://lankadedata.se/spec/badplatser/) nationella dataverkstaden pekar på som en spec för svenska badvatten skall innehålla [EU:s bathing wateridentifier](https://dd.eionet.eur…
**Status**: Looks like we need to contact every country to get an understanding if the country data comply with [Wikidata License policy](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Licensing) so we can up…
Simlar to OWSLib in Setup chapter: GDAL commandline can be used by running a minimal Docker Container with bash. By mounting volumes even local data can be converted.
Exercise 2: the file https://github.com/geopython/diving-into-pygeoapi/tree/main/workshop/exercises/data/cptartu2.gpkg.zip is not in GH. Probably since GH default local action is not to commit/push .z…
In Exercise 2: *Publish a GeoJSON using Elasticsearch* it states:
`git checkout -b ogcapi-ws https://github.com/doublebyte1/pygeoapi.git`
Why? Can we integrate [this dir](https://github.com/double…
at pygeoapi we have a `tradition` to add localised data related to the foss4g location, since Tartu is a european one, and the main one is later this year in brazil, not sure if we need to go through …
While trying to add new elements to the [BAQUA - Monitoring Program](https://int.cube-creator.lindas.admin.ch/app/shared-dimensions/dimension!!baqua) SD, I encountered that when I am going for a new e…