subgenus names in SD contain their accepted genus also as a synonym.
That is taxonomically nonsense, but guess makes sense from a nomenclatural perspective.
Hello, I'm using conda to install genEra. But I got this error.
$ conda install -c bioconda genera
- bioconda
- defaults
- conda-forge
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package me…
No se está siguiendo la plantilla compartida para integrar datos y análisis
Hola tengo una duda respecto al funcionamiento de la tarea 3.
En el enunciado se indica:
Para interactuar con la API, se pueden usar los siguientes métodos:
• Generate a completion: genera una res…
I have encountered an issue with cross-contamination during DNA sequencing. Specifically, I identified two genera, genus1__Otu00003 and genus2__Otu00005 (note that I just pasted out the genus c…
Buenos días, por favor verifique por qué al momento de cotizar un mototaxi no se genera el calculo, unicamente con la opción de moto se puede
There are a bunch of empty genera in this family, apparently left over when the included species were synonymized into other genera. They are as follows:
Ambopogon into Amphipogon (McAlpine 1977)
Stearibia into Piophila. The only species in this genus is S. nigriceps (McAlpine 1977, Ozerov 2004), which now appears under Piophila, following Catalogue of Life.
Liopiophila into Prochyliza (Ozerov 2004). This genus contains only L. varipes (McAlpine 1977), which appears misspelled as "varipesa" here and spelled correctly under Prochyliza.
Lasiopiophila into Piophila. The only species in this genus is L. pilosa (McAlpine 1977, Ozerov 2004), which now appears under Piophila, following Catalogue of Life.