Currently, game uses the Desktop fullscreen mode which doesn't supposes to switch the real resolution. On the rest of devices this works fine. However, legacy platforms that has weak GPU and CPU too (…
some failures listed here for reference
1. update drm_hwcomposer/Android.bp
$ git diff
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 257818846812..d53eba849789 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/An…
liuyq updated
3 weeks ago
Here a naive question I wanted to ask during the today presentation.
Is it plan to port the open-ephys board usb3 to this new ONI C layer ?
Or ONI is it necessray linked to the PCIe board ?
As title
- Flash light - camera in use issue.
- https://github.com/XayahSuSuSu/device_xiaomi_cmi/issues/1
- https://github.com/rifux/android_device_xiaomi_sm8250-common/c…
Right now GPU implements Vulkan, Metal, D3D12 and D3D11 backends. Out of these APIs D3D11 is the odd one out because it has awkward support for command buffers. Why do we support it?
The main reaso…
It doesn't boot on Legacy Hardware only display a blinking cursor, No tty or anything just a blinking cursor.
IoSender 2.0.45.P12 and all 2.0.45
; 1.1ha.20201101
; [OPT:VPR+,15,128]
First press of hardware START button on GRBL often ignored by IoSender.
It's normally decoding button pressed, light-up re…
UMD contains architecture-specific header files that live under `src/firmware/riscv`; these headers define hardware and firmware constants. UMD's use of these constants follow a pattern: the applicat…
Sentry Issue: [SMOOTHIE-2EC](https://openfoodfacts.sentry.io/issues/4275004795/?referrer=github_integration)
NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.hardware.camera2.Captu…
omSupply Recommended Requirements (https://docs.msupply.foundation/docs/introduction/requirements/) is incorrect. Please fix it, bringing it into alignment with our Legacy mSupply requirements page (…