Seems like we can't render litedown Rmd with knitr::rmarkdown
Original: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/litedown/vignettes/markdown-output.html
R-universe: https://yihui.r-universe.dev/ar…
{knitr} requires R>=3.6.0; that means we can't render vignettes on our oldest supported versions of R (3.3, 3.4, 3.5).
@jangorecki sugegsts trying to render them instead with {litedown}:
I'd like to use litedown with webR but running `webr::install("litedown")` and `webr::install("yihui/litedown")` both fail saying the package cannot be found.
Any tips here? I suspect the best thi…
Hi @yihui your commented on a github discussion I had with the developer of the obsidian code execution plugin[twibiral/obsidian-execute-code/issues/325] made me think. Isn't Obsidian a GREAT fit fo…
It would be useful to have a function that takes one or a set of bam files (modBam) and generates an quarto(Rmd/litedown)/html quality report (similar to the `einprot` reports).
It could be based o…
Hello, I've been very interested to see that you're giving `rmarkdown` another look.
I've red [the docs](https://yihui.org/litedown/) and I have some questions, please let me know if this is not the …
- [x] I slightly botched #6563 by aiming it at `patch-1.16.2` instead of `master`. Should we cherry-pick 9de25675aa9f6efe982f4faff0ceb6ca55563563 into `master` too? See also: #6587
- [x] Do we want…
I'm happy to see that `fig.alt` is supported by litedown, but there is no mention of it in [the docs](https://github.com/yihui/litedown). Since this was not always possible with rmarkdown I think it i…
(I'm not sure if this one is for the **evaluate** or the **knitr** package, but I start here)
# Background
In R (>= 4.0.0), we have `globalCallingHandlers()` for registering global calling han…
It would be interesting to be able to modify the table caption position from "top" to "bottom", similarly to what `fig.topcation=TRUE` does for caption figures to allow putting them on top of the figu…