I am trying to project velodyne (and eventually SLAM) 3D points to 2D image coordinates (say, for camera 0) for the kitti odometry dataset. https://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_odometr…
I generated a test calibration file with the stereoCameraCalibrator app. The mat file is attached to this issue.
currently IOImages does not give any camera parameters. I must either load these from file for connected camera or load it from appropriate rostopic
Devices that do not have a 1:1 mapping of camera frames to XR frames cannot implement this synchronous API approach, so it's only implementable on handheld AR (e.g., phones, tablets).
VR and AR HMD…
When I got the KingsCollege 3D scene file in Cambridge Landmarks, I experimented with the steps described in redeme.txt in ACG-Localizer, but the acg_localizer_active_search output had a large rotatio…
Hi there,
Thanks for putting this work in public.
My question may sound silly, but do I need to have the camera pose to be able to use this repository? that's my impression by going through your…
**Describe the Issue**
Hi, I'm using Harvester 1.4.0 in Python 3.9 with below 4 usb3 cameras.
3.1M(2048 x 1536) pixels camera : 2EA
0.4M(720 x 540) pixels camera : 2EA
My app is based on PyQt so…
Try this code
`from harvesters.core import Harvester, ImageAcquirer
h = Harvester()
h.add_file(r"C:\\Users\\SGL\\Desktop\\MATRIX VISION\\mvIMPACT Acquire\\bin\\x64\\mvGenTLProducer.cti")
### What's happening?
No matter which camera I use (front or back) on my iPhone 12 physical device, I'm getting the width and height of 0.
const onRecordingFinished = useCallbac…
I am using the OAK-D-LITE camera on NVIDIA Jetson Nano single board computer. I am using ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS. I've went through the setup procedure (steps 1 - 8) successfully, but…