I managed to sucessfully run EuRoC dataset as well as HILTI 2022. However, when I try to run it on my data with IMU enabled the processing gets stuck at 3-4% of progress without any warnings or errors…
Can we use the same gazebo simulation for ros2?
We're trying to have our robot, equipped with two SWD125 wheels, navigate using the ROS2 Nav2 stack, and it appears that the robot is having trouble following the direction commands when n…
**Describe the Bug**
[webots_controller_TurtleBot3Burger-5] [ERROR] [1727690103.628136189] [controller_manager]: Could not initialize the controller named 'diffdrive_controller'
### Describe what you want to implement and what the issue & the steps to reproduce it are:
I have three GiGE cameras (left, middle, right) connected to a Jetson Orin AGX via a [Forge Carrier Board](…
## Bug report
**Required Info:**
- Operating System:
- N/A
- Installation type:
- N/A
- Version or commit hash:
- [247fd08](https://github.com/ros2/geometry2/commit/247fd08ac99ed0…
I am running the MCAP files inside the container and can see the topics being published by using `ros2 bag play .mcap`. In a separate terminal, I can monitor the topics' frequency with `ros2 topic hz …
I tried building an image with ROS2 Jazzy and Jax and it seems that OpenCV failed to install which stops me from creating the image.
I have also tried Humble, and it also fails on the same step if t…
**Describe the bug**
Able to get topic list of "/ekf/status
OpenVINS was built successfully with ROS2 humble, ubuntu 22.04, ceres 2.0.
But when I run:
`ros2 launch ov_msckf subscribe.launch.py config:=euroc_mav`
I get the error:
`flag 'logtostderr'…