# Pixel(sailfish) android 10 手动 root | MakeThings Team'Blog
需要 android 10 ROM:Android 10.0.0 (QP1A.191005.007.A3, Dec 2019) simg2img: Android sparse image转Linux image;用来将system.img, vendor.img转为可挂载的i…
[2.1.2](https://github.com/tommoor/emojione-picker/releases/tag/v2.1.2) resolves [an issue with this plugin not searching shortnames](https://github.com/tommoor/emojione-picker/issues/66). Several Mas…
If the wireguard configuration has a DNS entry defined, wg-quick complains about not finding resolvconf and exits by deleting the interface. Could not find Sailfish resolvconf or openresolv in Sailfis…
The program runs some steps, then an error occurs.
after relabling, there are 140259 eq classes
Building the k-mer equiv. class transcript mappings
0% [> …
I know there was a regular gpodder sync build inside the app. Can you adjust them for the Nextcloud one?
I can't get Slic3r and gpx to play well. When selecting Sailfish as the gcode flavor, Slic3r inserts`M108 T0` or `M108 T1` for tool changes. These don't seem to work. The printer always selects T1.
Hi I reached 95% installation then Sailfish installation spit out this error:
> /bin/ld: libsailfish_core.a(RapMapSAIndex.cpp.o): undefined reference to symbol '_ZTINSt13__future_base11_State_baseE…
The "Now playing" item is always displayed in the pull down menu. This item is however only enabled when you are actually playing something. But in this case we also already show the controls dock. So…
I see that there exist circular RNA support in Sailfish ( http://www.rna-seqblog.com/tag/sailfish-cir/ ), maybe it will be beneficial to see a Salmon port of it?