as a user i would aspect that the 3 words for a locale are in the same language than the choosen locale of the app.
- **locale=de ==> geman word**s,
- **locale=en ==> english words**
actual si…
as a user, i find it irritating that the mouse cursor (crosshair) does not change to the standard mouse cursor when hovering over the esri popup.
If a user starts with the english locale support (https://demos.conterra.de/mapapps/resources/apps/downloads_what3words/index.html?lang=en) the user gets a german locale ui. i18n support ist missing …
I'm having a mare trying to get the contents of a custom field added to my QRCode. I have a Custom Field called "What3Words" applied to my Site, Location and Rack models.
Imagine being able to divide the surface of the entire planet into perfectly 3x3 (meters) square tiles, and give each of them a specific name, consisting of only three words.
Now, these words defin…
serrq updated
11 months ago
There is memory leak issue in a method that happens because self isn't passed as `[weak self]` in the closures in the method
`public func set(_ w3w: W3WProtocolV3, language: String = W3WSettings.d…
Location write is as this: https://what3words.com/about
## Problem
1. @inlang/editor needs a message id generation algorithm to add a "create a message" button
2. devs choosing message ids leads to multiple problems like namespacing, renaming IDs and…
Mobile OSM apps (e.g. OSMAnd) already support OpenLocationCode, as does Google maps, and it would be great if the OSM website did too. There's a Ruby implementation, https://github.com/google/open-loc…