I have 3 technical repeats (sequenced across 3 lanes, PE reads) for each biological replicate. I am trying to read in technical repeat fastq files together into IRFinder. I've not merged the se…
I am trying to predict sRNAs from RNA-seq data using ANNOgesic 1.0.16, and I should perform transcript detection first accroding to the tutorial. However, I got errors when performed transcript…
gjh34 updated
4 years ago
I am running on Windows 10 using the New Wallet 5.02 which continues to wrongly report error, "Miner: No coins." However, I have over 92,480 coins, solo mining, as shown correctly in the old Wallet 4.…
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/LTLA/csawBook
Confirm the following by editing ea…
**Submitting author:** @jonschwenk (Jon Schwenk)
**Repository:** https://github.com/jonschwenk/RivGraph
**Version:** v0.4
**Editor:** @kbarnhart
**Reviewer:** @eriknes, @leotrs
**Archive:** 10.5281/ze…
**Describe the bug**
I am running the pipeline again with some new samples, and it runs smoothly for Filtering and Mapping. However, it seem to fail at the Counting stage. I think the error s…
Thanks a lot for the program. I'm trying to call de novo variants in my trio, its normal takes 5 days? with Varscan just takes 1-2 hours.
ccs76 updated
4 years ago
Ran a test to calculate D statistics as followings,
ANGSD -doAbbababa2 1 -bam test.bam.list -sizeFile test.bam.size -doCounts 1 -out test.bam.Angsd.1240k_test -anc $chimpFasta -rf 1240k.regio.test.v1…
Hi, I had a couple questions about the MAP_VAF field under the cancer calling model. I'm currently running octopus on targeted non-human sequencing data with the --very-fast flag and focusing on a sub…
Morning Wouter,
I have this simple snippet of error from a Snakefile (pipeline_structural_variation) - a user is exploring structural variation with large PromethION datasets.
Do you have any th…