I have Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, Python 3.8.10 and ROS Noetic (Gazebo 11), i did every installations and mode configuration, also i add three ROS packages to catkin_ws, but when i do catkin_make i get error…
Could someone please tell what modifications must be made in gps waypoint follower package for it to be used in ros2 humble...
Please provide us the solution,it would be a great help!!!!!
I have truble talos gazebo simulation..
errors are these..
my simulation environment setting is
ubuntu 18.04, ros melodic, gazebo9
`[ERROR] [1589464868.833742426, 0.377000000]: No p gain s…
# ros2 launch ebot_description ebot_gazebo_launch.py giving error of gzclient died
i ran the requirements.…
I was trying to build this repository on my computer(Ubuntu 20.04 ROS Neotic) but the output is like this
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Base path: /home/hwt-ubuntu/Documents/limx…
While building on ubuntu20.04, I'm getting below error:
/home/rajendra/px4_ws/src/PX4-SITL_gazebo/include/gazebo_gimbal_controller_plugin.hh:39:10: fatal error: development/mavlink.h: No such fi…
Greetings all,
Me trying out tessarct_docs for using path_planning for robot the tessarct_ws. in ros noetic
I have followed all the steps in the documentation like create a workspace, git clone al…
I am running Ubuntu 20.04 on a Jetson Xavier, ROS2 Foxy and am trying to setup MoveIt following the documentation outlined here:
Looks like it's an AST-building issue on joystickControlMain:
2021-11-04 18:34:25.704 | DEBUG | rosdiscover.recover.tool:_recover:384 - beginning static recovery process
2021-11-04 18:34:2…
sudo apt install ros-melodic-navigation-stage
この操作後に追加で 5,746 kB のディスク容量が消費されます。
エラー:1 http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 ros-melodic-navigation-stage amd64 0.2.4-1bionic.…