At this time any of the 2020 CLASS4 data files are not able to be viewed in the Ocean Navigator. Any of the CONCEPTS datasets from January 2016 to December 2019 are accessible but do not show any of t…
# ToDo
## Plots
- [x] Redo all pictures in new style and axis and increase font size -> include label function in plot function?
- [x] Add linear growth rate into wexb plots
## Writing
### …
Hello again! I was doing a trial run with some data I had and ran into the given error. The interpolated fields look good to me but `qgfield_object.compute_reference_states(northern_hemisphere_result…
I've been writing some code based on xgcm & xhistogram to compute watermass transformations. I'm sure I'm not the first to do this, but I couldn't find any packages that do this or other more involved…
I noticed that new package (2023.10.4) depend on missing packages:
**- dev-python/protobuf-python-4.24.3**
**- dev-python/pydantic-1.10.12:0** (upgradable to **1.10.13** in official portage)
and …
### Initial request
Missing definitions of radiation variables need to be added in the code list.
### Amendment details
Include the following definitions:
[All Sets](https://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Set-implementation-list)
# Cards unimplemented in set
- [x] [Ertai's Familiar](https://scryfall.com/card/wth/38/ertais-familiar)
# Cards in se…
During the compilation process of KOKKOS, an error occurred, indicating that there was a problem with the code in the reaxff_forces_omp.cpp file.
**LAMMPS Version and Platform**
Running solar routine with land cover type height and get the following error:
Starting Model Initialization
Reading control file
Reading boundary conditions
Reading boundary conditions 2905 …
when calculating canopy heat storage term in vegetation flux iteration, the term should be scaled by vegetation fraction to be consistent with the radiation scaling in the solution: