I want to use this package to create a 2D Occupancy grid map of my house's path way. In addition to the 3D objects, I want to classify the green grass patch as an obstacle too. Is there anything that …
When testing out cartographer_ros with ROS2 on the Turtlebot2, it seems like some of the visualized walls are very far away from the real walls. *Most* of the walls are correct, there are just a few …
- Move map layers to sidebar, toggle on/off button for residential land use layer in sidebar
- Display ‘basic info’ per parcel as pop up window
- No of units, unit type for residential land use …
I believe there is a bug in the parsing of CIF files.
The [LoadCIFData() function](https://github.com/lsmo-epfl/EQeq/blob/17d0971f61bb0860efdd87bca5fe9bc567203480/src/main.cpp#L1032-L1067) assumes …
I am trying to calibrate my model for both traffic volume and PT ridership (at least alighting and boarding). I have prepared the count files for both contexts. I saw an example code for calib…
### What happened?
I aim at planning motion with a physical Interbotix Widow-X250s robotic arm, and a Raspberry Pi 5 as controller, using `xsarm_moveit.launch.py`.Unfortunately, **the Planning Scene …
Handle this logging:
3970.585: [GC[YG occupancy: 153169 K (471872 K)]3970.585: [Rescan (parallel) , 0.0205830 secs]3970.606:…
Currently natural ventilation is assumed to occur whenever outdoor conditions are favorable for cooling, per ANSI/RESNET 301, based on the operable window area.
Could allow some additional inputs:
### Problem description
I just bought a zigbee heater, the Acova Alcantara.
I can pair it to ZHA and get entities but there is a "bug".
If I change the temperature using ZHA, the heate…
Dear Psi4 Developers,
Could you add an option for doing finite temperature DFT?
I find that there already exists an option for allowing fractional occupation number (FON) to accelerate SCF, so i…