## What?
We need to understand the space of open source mobile SSI aries agents. What libraries are available and what state are they in? Can we use any of them to create our own agent today? I know …
The LD Remote Provider Store implementation in https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/blob/main/pkg/store/ld/remote_provider_store.go could use the storage provider more efficiently.
Why do I get failed to find package errors when I add:
"com.orientechnologies" % "orientdb-graphdb" % "2.2.8"
To my sbt project dependencies.
What can I do to fix the problem?
Errors as shown.
When will the next version be released on nugget? I would like to use some of the newer features that are not available in the 1.4.0 version.
Get Credential By ID -
WASM - the id value is passed as it in the request
REST - base64 encoded version of the id is passed in the path prarm of the request as the Credential ID is a URL (eg http:/…
My mental model of `service.Header.Purpose` was that of…
Bug report
**What I'm trying to do**
resolve web did (did:web:did.actor:alice) which is supported by aries go as far i see: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/tree/main/pkg/vdr/we…
I think we've sort of discussed this before, but just wanted to open an issue to continue the discussion.
We're currently integrating this library into Aries Framework JavaScript (AFJ), and one of …
As part of the integration of Askar with Aries Framework JavaScript, I'm running a [test](https://github.com/genaris/aries-framework-javascript/blob/d6f348b33b2a57fb9acb6ccea141ff1fc097b405/tests/e2e-…
Once we upgrade to new spec, custom option passed through proof verifier to exclude "CredentialStatusList2017" in invalid dataset list to be removed.