Dear SimNIBS experts,
Thank you for providing such powerful software!
I have some problems when using the command "headreco".
I performed headreco -all sampleYX YX_T1.nii YX_T2.nii
sampleYX is t…
### Description of issue
Dear netneurolab (@rmarkello, @justinehansen, @bmisic),
Thank you for your efforts in developing neuromaps!
While using your software for the first time, we have noti…
## Question/Support Request
I have a number of individuals for whom I received the error message in the subject line. I'm trying to debug what went awry. When I overlay aseg.auto_noCCseg on orig.…
Hi again guys,
first of all thanks for sharing and developing LAYNII out in the open.
I've been playing with depth dependent analysis of my 0.9mm iso BOLD task data by upsampling my data 3x and …
Hello! I was using qsiprep on TACC, and encountered into the following error :
221019-09:15:33,902 nipype.workflow INFO:
Running with omp_nthreads=8, nthreads=272
221019-09:15:34,3 nipype.wo…
Recently,I use Brainprint to process my data.Some outputs of Brainprint have problems.There is no csv file in the eigenvectors folder.The result is that brainprint.csv and brainprint.asymmetry.…
Hey there,
Attempting to run singularity container of QSIprep v 16 0rc3
Check out the following errors with the dependencies.
Commandline: module load singularity
Running task 1
The visualiztion of surface in enigma toolbox is so beautiful and convenient.
However, the surfaces in it are just two: the pial of fsa and conte69. How could I do if I want to add a inflated surface…
I am not getting the information I need from the extracted metadata in order to create a successful datalad-catalog entry, because some subdatasets are not listed with both `dataset_id` and `dataset_v…
Hi Kersten:
I am using the latest updated qatools-python, but encountered the same “a problem occurred with the surface overlays” issue while running some ANDI T1w images on a ubuntu machine.