**Describe the bug**
Looks like suspend/resume support was landed in 3.1.0 (https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-durable-js/pull/578) but [durableClient.d.ts](https://github.com/Azure/azure-fun…
The sample instructions for "Configuring Weather Underground integration" [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable/durable-functions-monitor?tabs=csharp](https://learn.microsof…
We have the `hubname` for Durable Functions configured in app settings and `local.settings.json`. After updating to Durable Functions in isolated worker process mode we run into the problem that varia…
We have multiple deployments of a Functions App across several tenants. Since the 1st November we have seen a sudden rise in transactions across all storage accounts for these apps, without any clear …
Does anyone actually build these code samples before publishing them?
using Microsoft.DurableTask.Entities;
using Microsoft.DurableTask.Client.Entities;
return request.CreateResp…
We are using durable functions in Azure with Netherite and an elastic premium plan (EP2).
We are using a setup with only entity functions and no orchestrators. Each entity has a list of work items i…
In the section of this page describing the use of the `CallHttpAsync` function for durable orchestrations, the tab for the isolated model example says that this function is not supported in the isol…
Cross-posted from webjobs-extensions.
We have a timer trigger which is supposed to run every 4 minutes.
For some reason, it failed to fire for a period of 32 minutes, and then resumed
Explore along with a strategy for durable functions in general.
Can I set hub name by adding a property 'AzureFunctionsJobHost__extensions__durableTask__hubName' in app setting rather than in host.json and adding DurableClient?
#### Document Details