*Game Rules
-Players: The game is suitable for 2 players.
-Objective: Players take turns saying English words that start with the last letter of the previous word. The player who cannot come u…
https://github.com/virresh/byldWebsite/pull/19 implements them as found on the original website.
Here are some minor improvements which we should undertake (maybe in a separate PR)
- [ ] Display…
# Lines of code
# Vulnerability details
## Original Issue
[M-15 - Tiers can be mantained active to give unfair advantage to user through DoS #](https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-07-pooltogether-…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
The formula of the number of prizes for a degree per the document: https://v4.docs.pooltogether.com/protocol/concepts/prize-distribution/#splitting-the-pr…
## Publish
- [ ] Set up doc ([template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GdhZmFvKs7QUWCZ9bt55_Qoe_RGAHN4_FxLOGhxDgDs/edit?usp=sharing))
- [ ] Add research
- [ ] Share with community f…
# Steps to Reproduce
first, logged in, second (same problem) shopping and checking lucky chairs
# Actual Behavior
logged in, prizes from chairs waiting, clicked accept on each box, items never…
**Describe the bug**
When finishing a run in story mode, if the earned total score is greater than the sum of multiple nodes in the map, reward nodes that are **_not the last node_** reach will be au…
Example (this happens for both the Python and REST API (as the Python just calls the REST API directly)
**Multiple URLs (the dailymail will get null -- only if it's second, it works if it's first!)…
# Lines of code
# Vulnerability details
## Original Issue
[M-09 - High Prizes might not be claimed](https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-07-pooltogether-findings/issues/415)
## Details
The issue w…
The idea is to query for prizes frequently awarded to future Nobel laureates, and then to check awardees of such prizes as to whether they
- have received a Nobel prize already
- are still alive