ld: in /myProject/node_modules/react-native-wechat-lib/ios/libWeChatSDK.a(WechatAuthSDK.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file 'myProject/node_modules/react-nat…
你好,我是新手,想请问除了composer安装还可以通过什么方法安装呢 谢谢
> Update by @huan
## 开源软件供应链点亮计划
“开源软件供应链点亮计划-暑期2021”(以下简称 暑期2021)是由中科院软件所与 openEuler 社区共同举办的一项面向高校学生的暑期活动,旨在鼓励在校学生积极参与开源软件的开发维护,促进国内优秀开源软件社区的蓬勃发展。
Hello students!
Since the Wechaty is a universal messaging SDK. I believe we can implement this with Slack, but not only on Slack. The Slack and Wechat message may be able to sync the messages. So …
sendAuthRequest,android return errcode=-6
原生xposesd 90_beta3,微信6.7.3可以正常使用,7.0怎么都不行
The encoding fps is about 1:100 compared to x265 v.s. x264, are you turn on the assembly in x265?