Needs to listen to the rs485 bus, and spit out everything it hears to the UART.
Will possibly operate as an additional on/off switch. This will be done via the bluetooth sending a rs485 message to th…
To keep an eye out on the temperature around the submarine.
There's going to be a sub-network of DsPIC's here so we need a rock solid bridge between them and ROS. The Roboard does have RS485 but the condition of that is unknown, we tried to use it last year fo…
The following is taken from a report the organiser published shortly after the 2011 event
- The teams will be required to have at least three ways to initiate their vehicle‟s autonomous mission. An ex…
Does exactly what it says on the tin. A ROS node will send out a message every minute (or whatever) and if the dsPIC doesn't get anything it blows the sausages.
We could do with a downward facing camera so we can follow the pipe which always seems like one of the easier tasks. I was thinking of buying a network camera, you can even get pan/tilt ones for prett…