Hi, the issue for 3d support is still open, but you mention last year that you will support 3d images, is that the case now ?
Summarising filetypes currently uses just the suffix (string after last '.'). However, some files have compound extensions e.g. ome.tiff, zarr.zip and ome.zarr.zip. These need to be catered for.
hello,the original svs has 5 level 80X 40X 20X 10X 5X ,how to make the ome.tiff save 20X rather 80X
I am using SCIFIO (in FIJI/ImageJ2) to open an OME-TIFF file which specifies the (effective) physical pixel sizes and time resolution in its OME-XML metadata block, e.g.:
``` xml
I wanted to convert an MRXS file which has 4 channels and is fluorescent to OME.TIFF, I first went through Bioformats2raw to get a ZARR file which seems to have gone well. Then I wanted to c…
Make OME-TIFF, .ND2, and CZI importation more robust.
Deployment of latest bioformats library ?
This question is inspired by : https://github.com/libvips/ruby-vips/issues/91
Is there a way to make pyvips.Image.new_from_file() return the dimension of bands and the dimensions of z?
Generate artificial pyramid using https://github.com/ome/bioformats/blob/develop/components/formats-gpl/utils/WritePyramid.java and:
$ java WritePyramid "0&sizeX=23073&sizeY=36336.fake" "1&siz…
Somewhere along the way from the CZI file to the OME-TIFF image pyramid that we are displaying in Vitessce, part of the image along the left and along the bottom disappeared.
OME-TIFF file with ima…