**Tell us about your setup**
What is your lando version and operating system?
lando v3.0.0-beta.20
docker 17.09.0-ce
ubuntu Gnome 16.04.3 LTS 64-bit
**Tell us about your `.lando.yml`**
Hi, I'm working with an actual IMU. While generating the error parameters using allan_imu.m, I got inconsistent tau lengths.
From line.176 of allan_imu.m, the for loop repeats 3 times, in the first t…
thank for your great efforts, but i cant get Allan Variance (sigma_an, sigma_wn, sigma_aw, sigma_ww), i just get follow pitcture:
When I used Allen variance for IMU calibration, if the angular velocity (WB) changed very little, I tested the condition of all 0, so an error would be reported, and the reason was found to be functio…
Hi Nikolay!
I have found that your Allan-Variance algorithm returns quite different output than another python implementation.
So with a close look into the code, I have found that if the line:
thank you for publishing your great work. I know there are many posts on the correct calibration procedure but I am struggeling to get it work with a Realsense L515 camera (only using its monocul…
First, thanks for the amazing tool!
But, I suspect there is a bug here: https://github.com/Aceinna/gnss-ins-sim/blob/2d2ba0fac193afd10b4d7758cc85d14457f17001/gnss_ins_sim/pathgen/pathgen.py#L552
... let us make a real version 2.0! There are tools that can go from XML to JSON schema and back again (mostly) so hopefully we bring more to the table with the new major version than just offering J…
I have no idea what IMU parameters mean. Could you please explain them and how to calculate it?
In my case, I need these parametrs for RealSense D435i camera.
Thanks in advance.
### IMU Parameter…
Dear David,
Thank you very much for sharing the code and knowledge.
I encountered an error for **Power Spectral Density** on 2018b matlab.