Thank you very much for coloc, it is very helpful!
I am wondering, if it is possible to use `runsusie` function for a dataset without varbeta? I am trying to co-localize multiple signals betwe…
make sure we are not penalizing the diagonals as recommended by S Kim in SNP eQTL paper.
also, why is our loss undefined so often?
dswah updated
8 years ago
How does GWAS-SSF handle eQTL or other QTL datasets (which are multi-trait GWAS)? One sumstats and one metadata file for each gene/molecular feature?
would it be possible to generate a MASHR or ENET model using only one tissue, using only summary statistics? I'd like to run PrediXcan using the summary statistics from one eQTL study.
I have been trying to draw the plots but with eQTL variant P values from GTEx instead. I have the 1000G data converted to HapMap format and the association data contains the same columns as the exampl…
Hello @awuster!
Super interesting R/Bioc-package.
Was it ever published, or is there an official reference of for the method?
Is there a source for the lambda value being set to 7.61e-06?
From the step of `rnaseqc_call`, 8 bam files returned with an error message indicating `BAM file shares no contigs with GTF`
and this error message is preventing moving forward to the next step for…
It has been a while now that I am using this powerful tool which is tensorqtl so thanks for the work. Recently, I'have tried to perform a cis-mapping with an interaction term (which is the s…
Dear Team,
I am wondering is there any timeline to implement: Instrumental variable (eQTL and pQTL) -> mRNA-expression, protein level -> outcome (disease/phecode).
eQTL mapping is now also conducted on SNPs that are multiallelic (i.e. have more than two alleles). These SNPs should be excluded and in SNPQCLog.txt there should be a warning on these SNPs.