The `budget 1000 /month: 10000` command still runs even though 10000 is an invalid mont…
- [x] Check on [CASA ticket](https://biztera.com/projects/16084) - UZ GO
- [x] Finish [Onboarding template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vhMoriJMYFgEsv2yUx6kQ4oOawMZvH7t2YmPyVVlcFc/edit#)
- […
While it is more convenient for users to rely on their distribution's package manager to install this software, it's probably going to be a long time before it is made available in all the independent…
I'm not seeing any colors in my PieChart. This is the code:
func showPieChart(){
pieChartView.isHidden = false
tableView.isHidden = true
searchbar.isHidden = true
## User story
As a coordinator of a **soil carbon monitoring network**,
I want to be able to get an **overview of projects and products** that are enabled by the data and information produced b…
The addExpense Command requires users to type in a very long command, causing inconvenience since none of the parameters are optional. Parameters such as HH-mm are too specific and a user would not ca…
Experience Works has expressed concern over the lack of security on their system.
Staff and participants have been noticing warning messages about security when they logi…
Define the essential substantive elements of the core State Checkbook dataset. What are the components that it must minimally include? Do we have a dataset that we could hold up as a model?
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…