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I have some trouble with OpenScenario with teleporting an adversary vehicle. The teleport by RelativeLanePosition works just fine and the vehicle will spawn on the c…
I have seen that the "FollowTrajectoryaction" is supposed to make the vehicle follow the trajectory as how it is represented. I have a scenario where the vehicle follows a path, stops at a point …
There are missing references in logical scenarios, for example "./road_networks/alks_road_straight.xodr" in alks_scenario_4_1_2_swerving_lead_vehicle_variation.xosc
Why are they absent from th…
I have been trying to run a simulation on using OpenScenario files and scenario runner. Please find my local setup details below.
CARLA version: **0.9.12** precompiled version and source build vers…
I would like to implement an outside controller to change the steering of the ego car. I made a simple script to get keyboard actions from python's "keyboard" lib and used the SEReportSpeed function t…
I2C: 16bit EEPROM adresses are split on the SECOND read
Hi Jeremy,
I spent some time investigating my code and could not find the problem.
Then I came back to your code and adjusted it a little b…
We designed a custom pico debug probe with a design very similar to the original debug probe. The design can be seen in the attached schematic: [LibroPicoProbe.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments…
### CircuitPython version
Adafruit CircuitPython 8.2.6 on 2023-09-24; EK68Custom with rp2040
### Code/REPL
a customised boot.py which automatically locks out interfaces if …
Is there a minimum clock speed the RP2040 must have for the driver to work?
If I run it at 48 MHz then the test pattern check at https://github.com/georgerobotics/cyw43-driver/blob/main/src/cyw43_ll.…
for my master thesis I'm trying to use a tracetory with NURBS (OSCv1.1) to simulate the motion of a vehicle.
Unfortunately this does not work as thought.
As an example I have the followi…