Dear Developers,
I used IQ-TREE to construct gene trees for individual loci, with a total of 8276 loci. However, only 8229 were successfully constructed. I checked one example of the unsuccessful cas…
This is what I'm typing into linux:
./bftools/bfconvert -debug -tilex 512 -tiley 512 -series 0 -compression LZW leica.scn leica_MAX/leica.tif
Here is the link to the rose red image:
pour les microsats et les séquences, les données simulées sont monomorphes à tous les loci
I am using the plugin in ImageJ
I have implemented a reader for my specific file format : using HandleExtraFileTypes to enable native recognition of the image in ImageJ. I can drag and drop iage for…
I'm currently using DSS to analyze 18 WGBS samples for differential methylated sites. I'm would like to run multifactor contrast to test for interaction effects among my treatments. However, af…
`sort -k1,1 -n 2,2n loci_unsrt.tsv > losi_sorted.tsv` does not work.
Did you mean:
`sort -k1,1n -k 2,2n loci_unsrt.tsv > losi_sorted.tsv`
`sort -k1,1 -k2,2n loci_unsrt.tsv > losi_sorted.tsv`
I have some problems when I running the battenberg.pl using the following command:
battenberg.pl -o /data/CNV_result -r ucsc.hg19.fasta.fai -tb GI_Tumor.bam -nb GI_Normal.bam -ge XY -ig /data/…
I have installed bsseq version 1.24.4 (as part of my efforts to get a 5hmC pipeline named mint (2017) running). mint requires the BioConductor package named dss, and somewhere along the way dss uses …
Issue was raised on forum thread https://forum.image.sc/t/how-to-split-and-recombine-multiple-series-with-bfconvert/73662/2
In the thread the user had a multi resolution file (SCN format) with addi…
Dear TAPIR development team,
After successfully running tapir on UNIX and have plotted the pi profiles for all loci, I am trying now to plot loci PI per time interval in R (the python script won't …