I am using BoostSRL to learn on our dataset using the command…
Using Pidgin 2.13.0 on Ubuntu 18.04, I installed the latest (2020-01-01) build of the plugin in `~/.purple/plugins`. When I restart Pidgin, I am able to create an account. (I notice that the account h…
**Describe the bug**
I launched demo.py but Fetch in gazebo will get stuck in the front of the table and finally fail with TypeError.
Fetch rotating in the front of the table when getting stuck
# Summary
I am trying to connect PC with UR3e. Following the tutorials, I can't realize the connection.
There are two problems:
1.Running "roslaunch ur3_e_bringup.launch" error.
2.When run URCaps …
# Summary
Hello, brother,I recently encountered a problem.I am trying to connect PC with UR10e. Following the tutorials, I don't able to the UR10e.I downloaded (https://github.com/UniversalRobots/U…
As title, lets prepare a short soa on control based methods applied to problems similar to the gap_crossing task. Put here references, for each reference you also write a short summary on the method.
There is not information about python version.
When I tested using Python 3.8, this package didn't installed.
Is it worked Only Python 3.6?
Hi! I think, than in check_collision func we're need size*2!
def check_collision(node, obstacleList):
for (ox, oy, size) in obstacleList:
dx_list = [x - ox for x in n…
In rrt.py line 77
`if self.calc_dist_to_goal(new_node.x, new_node.y)
どちらのサイトでもcatkin buildで同じエラーが…