## Summary
We are using rosdep to install non-ROS packages from apt, such as uncrustify, eigen, clang-tidy. I suggest adding two improvements:
1. Add list of installed packages to final artifact pro…
**Environment:** Ubuntu 20.04, ROS Noetic, CMake 3.16.3
I have installed ROS according to instructions from the official website (http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu) and followed your i…
We are experiencing significant difficulties in setting up a dual arm configuration using the provided KUKA launch files and drivers. We have both robotic arms integrated within a single URDF with the…
Initially I commented about this on issue #2500 but it looks like these are two separate problems. Furthermore, the problem persists in Gazebo 11.
When a world contains a GPU ray based sensor and a…
Following the idea in https://github.com/dic-iit/lab-events-demos/issues/102#issuecomment-493367239 it is ideal to have a way to visualize the contact forces estimated by wholeBodyDynamics in rviz rat…
Hi, sorry for opening so many issues, I think there's something basic I'm not quite getting.
I have added `rosPackages.noetic.rviz` to the `buildInputs` of the shell, and nix-shell starts without e…
I wrote a simple rviz tool for selecting points on a mesh by using this [tutorial](http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/rviz_plugin_tutorials/html/tool_plugin_tutorial.html) as an template. Instead of flag…
Similar to how links may be hidden using the `Robot State` RViz plugin.
Should only affect display state, nothing more.
Hi, im looking to migrate my package to ROS2.
This package uses the python_bindings of rviz in ROS1.
Are these also available somewhere for ROS2? I can't seem to find them.
[ 90%] Building CXX object Teach-Repeat-Replan/simulation/mission_template/CMakeFiles/mission_template.dir/src/mission_template.cpp.o
g++-7: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11 ’; did…