@kriswiner I'm a little confused looking at your ESP32 repository and your MPU9250 repository.
I'm using a Sparkfun 9250 breakout (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13762) and an Adafruit Feather E…
Hi, I am setting up a system to use pose data (from aruco markers) and fuse it with IMU data.
I have everything compiling and running, but when I print the filter result, it is very different from …
I am working on an imu glove that gets the hand and fingers orientation in space it's working very well capturing those orientations with the madgwick filter
but I can't get any position tracking out…
I want to know in your code can get angles in a absolute position? Because always i need to get three of values from reference point and every time change pitch roll and yaw angle.
thank you
- [x] Run Kalibr on example
- [x] Print Aprilgrid
- [ ] Get parameters, white noise and random walk, etc.
- [ ] Generate bag file
- [ ] try kalibr on pi
First thanks for hard work.
I've try to port whole library to PIC24 and face some problems.
Based on https://github.com/kriswiner/MPU-9250/blob/dea8453be4abd6c94612a13a2ddb5db184fed7cb/MPU9250Basi…
Hi Kris,
Thanks for sharing your codding. I'm trying to implement AHRS using MPU9250 and stm32 MCU. I use DMA to read data at freq=1.6Khz (except magnetometer), ant it works perfect. The filter update…
Hello everyone,
I'm tryting to get this lib working, and I think it does pretty well except the fact that when I'm trying to read from each sensor I have (4x GY-91 and 1x GY-9250), not a single one…
### Describe the bug
Reported acceleration levels are extreme when PX4 is run on a Cube Orange or Cube Orange +. Flight test results from both showing high acceleration can be found [here](https://…
Hello, first of all, thanks for sharing your code! It really helped me start up my work.
I'm doing a thesis about hand tracking and i've decided to use the MPU9250 (Ended up getting a MPU9255 from …