Hello, so i get this error in my logs
[20:38:32 +01:00] [Thread 28959] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL
[20:38:32 +01:00] [Thread 28959] extDB2: Database Exception Error: MySQL: [MySQL]: create sessio…
I set the panel up with the exact info used when running extdb 2 and it still doesn't work. The web panel worked fine with me before. The odd part it shows the newest and richest players but when you…
I dont know if this is correct here i try to to use a "revieved.sqf" from Altis Life Framework for this
If a player died, i want to use a Defi to get him back so i set this into the "revieved.sqf"…
**Expected behaviour**
But does anyone get this?
> NetServer::SendMsg:
**Actual behaviour**
` 1:05:50 Server: Object 36:13 not found (message Type_93)
1:05:50 Server: Object 12:4 not f…
I need to make sure that everything is saved at restarts. The other day I watched a player fill a vehicle with laser designators from his storage, he then put them on his player with less then one min…
### Expected behaviour
If you go to the clothing shop menu, you should be able to see diving googgles.
### Actual behaviour
You don't see them, because the player is not underwater.
### Steps …
i just saw the be filters for the dev version
for example
`5 createDialog !\"altisPhone\" !\"Chop_Shop\" !\"DeathScreen\" !\"Federal_Safe\"`
all these `\"` on beginning and end of an exception ar…
Hey Cyberbyte Studios/Community,
In the Picture your see the Problem:
We are using t…
I updated to extDB3 and it looks like it works good. But when i go to the garage, get a acar out put it backnin and then try to put it put it's not coming out and this error appeared..
The error..