**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Change Street Name field width from 60 to 254 in the RoadCenterline layer and the SiteStructureAddressPoint layer.
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Change descriptive name “Mile Post” to “Milepost” and changed associated field name “Mile_Post” to “Milepost” in the SiteStructureAddr…
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Change field name for primary key NGUIDs to just “NGUID” (i.e., removed “RCL” from RCL_NGUID) in all layers.
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Redefined “P” field type and changed all “E” field type values to “P” field type in all layers.
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Change field name for Legacy Street Name Type from “LSt_Type” to “LSt_Typ” in the RoadCenterLine layer and the SiteStructureAddressPoi…
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Change County field width from 40 to 100 in the SiteStructureAddressPoint layer, the A2-A5 Administrative Unit layers, and the CellSec…
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Removed Alias Legacy Street Name Pre Directional field, Alias Legacy Street Name field, Alias Legacy Street Name Type field, and Alias…
**Describe the bug**
In [NENA-STA-006.2-2022](https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/standards/nena-sta-006.2-2022_ng9-1-1_.pdf), **Table 4-2 RoadCenterLine Layer** (pages 24-25), **Tab…
**Describe the bug**
**Table 4-2 RoadCenterLine Layer**, on page 25 of [NENA-STA-006.2-2022](https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/standards/nena-sta-006.2-2022_ng9-1-1_.pdf), defines …
**Structural change between versions 1 and 2 or NENA-STA-006**
Significant changes to the descriptive names, the field names, and the M/C/O categorization in the LocationMarkerPoint layer (previous…