**Describe the bug**
I have a dataset with high overlap (overall 300+ images when going around object with single camera whose pose was kept fixed. I do not have camera access so cannot collect new s…
In demo [pure localization](https://google-cartographer-ros.readthedocs.io/en/latest/demos.html#pure-localization), I see cartographer search the whole map to find the optimal initial pose. I am wonde…
@pmoulon I have saved my custom superpoint features and descriptors. The descriptors calculated on same images in openmvg are in the shape (n, 128) but superpoint descriptors are in the shape (n, 256)…
Despite recent advances, the remaining bottlenecks in deep generative models are necessity of extensive training and difficulties with generalization from small number of training examples. …
In file included from /home/lc/UAVProduct/UAVProduct/UAVPreProcess.h:3:0,
from /home/lc/UAVProduct/UAVProduct/UAVPreProcess.cpp:10:
I would like to use monocular camera with imu data. I do not want to use stereo cameras. Is there a way to use them without using third party SLAM algorithms.
And when using IMU data, what is t…
Current the validator checks for potentially dangerous imports by matching strings, however this could pose problems when those libraries are used non-malliciously. Alternatively if the import stateme…
**Describe the Bug**
Launching webots R2023b with the following world results in some warnings and a segfault. This world is a cut-down. I hit this while developing the larger world, which doesn't …
Suite à #98
L'UI choisie est l'UI du navigateur. Elle pose problème sur Edge dans le cas d'une modification de recherche (première recherche est ok) et l'algo de matching marche, mais est pas ouf su…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Edited the actions.xml
2. Edited the behaviors.xml
3. tried it out a lot and the batch file kept on saying, [Fatal Error] :24:31:
Element type "Pose" mus…