Name your images meaningfully.
Try not to use visual properties as class names like ".vertical"-text it's better to name your classes semantically or find other ways to target those elements.
Instead of using `` and `` you can use `` and ``. This is more semantic in html …
Html semantics are important for machines and humans. Right now, our button is a `` and only a div. How would I improve the semantics?
It seems prevailent that the Semantic _sujet_ arrives within an uncertain timeframe.
Wiki already has elements with implied semantics:
- The **journal** by its _model_.
- The **story** by its _serial…
I'm not too sure on some of these things for semantics, but I think (thinking isn't my strong suit) hero's are only used for images that will be behind text. Also with your name and then what you do t…
I would make the wrapper3 div a nav element. Also, since Java is a completely different language than JavaScript, I'd rename your Javascript file. Web dev folks take it really personal: http://javascr…
# Semantics
## Naming Conventions
- Your html outline seems good but checking in https://gsnedders.html5.org/outliner/ your first level and first sub-level should be switched since the website is abou…
Your HTML is quite `` heavy — given that you're displaying tabular data this would be the perfect use case for ``! Would also be easier to lay out than a hundred inline-block divs 😉
Unfortunately, I think semantics is going to be really important in this matter. It would be great if we could coordinate the terms we use in different languages and libraries.
### Describe the issue
In order to compare an already registered task (and workflow, and launch plan) when an identical version is registered, we [get](https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/8f516e83…