- [x] Create Jenkins job (in Jenkins).
- [x] Create a Jenkinsfile.
- [x] Figure out landing page.
- [x] Create main.py and check scraper works.
- [ ] Determine eventual Tidy data column names and …
In the [#section-scotland-uk page](https://smazeri.shinyapps.io/Covid19_Scotland/#section-scotland-uk), I think dark red is UK cases and blue is Scotland cases.
* could this key/legend be shown on …
cc @ileddigital
- [ ] Pick a cutoff value per area (Go Dutch value, quantile per area, something else -- will need decision from @Robinlovelace on this)
- [ ] See what percent of these high-percent routes are in the…
Taking the page `en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom`
Mediawiki shows
Xowa-gui sh…
For the countries England, Scotland and Wales, the map is not showing these three countries shaded when they are asserted as the area of distribution. (Apologies for awkwardly worded sentence). Englan…
The links to the original source are broken on this page http://www.theyworkforyou.com/sp/?id=2014-03-04.7.0
Desired formatting for events
{date}: {text}
21 June 1893At Rough Firth on the Scottish coast, Katharine Conway married John Bruce Glasier in a private ceremony attended by only two witnesses, accor…
Protect Scotland is using this package and that app reports in MIUI 12 that Play Services must be updated to use Protect Scotland (even with the latest framework installed). I believe this is caused b…
Website: bsky.app
Bug: When a user has a country code in their username, the extension fails to change it in specific cases. The failure occurs in the username section of posts, as well as in the s…