Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/YuePan027/MICSQTL
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I've followed the PlatypusV3 vignette (2022-08-14) and have been able to generate a vgm (gex_vdj.int) with VDJ_GEX_matrix. With VDJ_call_MIXCR, I receive the error below. MiXCR was downloaded, unpacke…
Canu failed to build index for overlap store. See the log file below. Thanks for any help.
Found perl:
This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 3 (v5.26.3) bui…
Hello @jsh58,
Thank you very much for developing Genrich.
I am currently using it to perform peak-calling on Atac-seq Data. I use as input bam files generated by STAR, reporting uniquely mapped …
I am having an issue with canu assembly
this is the command I used `canu -p Vanella_contigs -d Canu_output genomeSize=50m -nanopore YT30_vanella_ont.fastq -pacbio Vanella_YT30.subreads.fastq.…
### Context
Hello, I am using Biopython to extract informations from GenBank files with the function "SeqIO.parse()".
Today, I got an issue with the accession "UZN22335". When I parsed this protei…
Hi! I'm trying to run canu on my fastq files but it's aborting. I tried v1.8 and v2.2, you can find the messages below:
canu-1.8/*/bin/canu -p ID1 -d canuassemble/ genomeSize=2.2m -nanopore-ra…
I wonder why I am getting this error when using "paired"? If try "adjacency" it works.
java -jar -Xmx1G $FGBIO_JAR GroupReadsByUmi --input=$PROJECT_DIR/Sample_$SAMPLE_NAME…
Hello @ibn-salem @priesgo @ozlemmuslu @martinloewer @mostafiz2010
I'm having some problems with Easyfuse. At first, the test data is ok, and get results. But there is a problem in the Step Fetchd…
**Short name**
Subsets of ILC3−ILC1-like cells g…