I'm using a `tif` file with `gdalinfo` command and the outputs is like this:
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: odm_orthophoto.tif
Size is 7671, 7781
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zon…
Is there a way to replace the value in a feature service with the **domains** values?
For example, when I run the following, I get **code** for the "iso3" column:
``` r
Lims Issue
For definitions of headings below see [Basic Concepts](https://atlas.scilifelab.se/infrastructure/lims/basic_concepts/).
**Work Flow:** WGS PCR free v5
I am trying to use fishHook on WGS data and was trying out the analysis mentioned in the tutorial. I was able to install fishHook but when I tried to read in the mutations via
mutations.wgs = …
We have a reproducible test case from a collaborator trying to use getm within Terra for TCGA data - this happens transiently, but can be reproduced when trying to download at scale from TCGA buckets.…
During [the TPAC24 Breakout on Registries](https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/bf75e0c9-c534-4ccf-988e-0e720f5280ff/), I have presented ([Google slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11BujG1x6…
For the following s/blow5 header made with blue-crab (0.1.2) , it does not seem that slow5tools degrade (1.3.0) recognizes the ULK kit.
#slow5_version 0.2.0
#num_read_groups 1
bd_lng = result_json["lng"].to_f
bd_lat = result_json["lat"].to_f
wgs = Coordconver.bd_wgs(bd_lng, bd_lat)
wgs_lng = wgs[0]
wgs_lat = wgs[1]
#### Problem description
if I use our tools packaged for python to convert WGS84 / LL ellipsoid height to DHDN / GK4 ellipsoid height, the conversion working great with "de_adv_BETA2007.tif" but…
**Describe the bug**
`kart apply` doesn't appear to work on empty repositories.
**To Reproduce**
Download [d8e498c6329465569a0b815402b7b56fb3f2cc83.patch.zip](https://github.com/koordinates/k…