I am doing single nuclei RNA seq and have issues with cellranger discarding lots of reads and would like to directly compare between optimizing the cellranger reference to deal with overlaps e…
Project Title: Cell hashing with barcoded antibodies enables multiplexing and doublet detection for single cell genomicsProject UUID: f81efc03-9f56-4354-aabb-6ce819c3d414Wrangler/s: William,G,Sullivan…
Hi, nice work!
If I would to use [pearson residuals ](https://scanpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/generated/scanpy.experimental.pp.highly_variable_genes.html)to normalize and find hvgs, I'm wondering whe…
Testit ei mene läpi koska doublet pyöristyy? sovelluksessani eri tavalla kuin testit odottaa. Esimerkiksi:
Minun sovellus 1092.3
Testi 1092.3000000000002
Minun sovellus 54283.02748732515 …
8500 RUB reward can be claimed by anyone who completes this task.
This bot should be able to trade via simulation or real API.
Simulation API example: https://www.lean.io/ (any other realistic o…
I have a very basic question about the outputs generated. Are both homotypic and heterotypic multiplets barcode ids in the MultipletCellIds_xx.txt ? If so, how can I find out from the output files of …
Here's what I get:
JK_lesion_raw and JK_lesion are matrix from Read10x
Soup_sample = SoupChannel(JK_lesion_raw, JK_lesion)
Soup_sample = setClusters(Soup_sample, setNames(meta$seurat_clusters,…
Hi, I got the following error when running DoubletDecon, could anyone give some suggestion? Thanks.
Combining similar clusters...
Creating synthetic doublet profiles...
Step 1: Removing possible …
I'm working on a Seurat object that has been normalised and scaled and I now want to find the doublets.
I am using Seurat version 5.0.1 and DoubletFinder_2.0.3 and encountering this error. Do you have any guides regarding this?