Thanks for the good material. I have a question about the alignment using bowtie2, here according to [`mutation_sequencing_analysis_script.sh`](https://github.com/aldob/iMUT-seq/blob/4476db76f2058d0af…
I tried RNA sequencing fastq data alignment by STAR 2.7.5a.
The below is command.
STAR --runThreadN 12 --twopassMode Basic --genomeDir /home/users/sijaewoo/common_files/hg38/STAR --readFile…
Hi Developers,
How to set the Varsim parameters to simulate a single-end file of shallow whole-genome sequencing (0.5x) given mean fragment size of 167 bp?
Dear Unicycler team,
I chose Unicycler to assemble _de novo_ bacterial genomes with ONT sequences, because I tried with several ones and Unicycler gived me better results.
However I start to obser…
Thank you for the great tool. I want to use an ONT long-read to assemble the mtDNA of _Spirodela polyrhiza_. I have the following error. How can I change the option of PMAT to pass the error m…
While running the wf-human-variation pipeline, ont-spectre produced an error implying that either the vcf file and reference files were empty or that the script did not load them correctly. I have at…
I am currently working on the IDseq metagenomics platform to identify mapped reads to SARS-CoV-2. Basically my project consists on the sequencing of all reads from a clinical samples with COVID-…
I would like to use your software on sequencing data aligned to the newest R. norvegicus genome (RGSC 6.0/rn6). Could you please add it to your annotation database?
Related to https://github.com/nextstrain/private/issues/102
It seems like a common pattern for sequencing efforts to focus on specific genes instead of the full genome. It would be helpful for inge…
Can the same pipeline be used for cDNA sequencing as well? I have the fastq reads and the reference genome and transcriptome fasta sequences.
Thank you.