I have installed PCL1.6.0, pcl-1.6.0-pdb-msvc2010-win32, Primesense and openNI. I am not sure if I have to further configure PCL to work with Anaconda. I also tried copying the PCL folder in PC…
Hi everyone,
I'm following the example: visualization.py. My python works the line: import pcl. However, it does not run the line: import pcl.pcl_visualization
File "", line 1, in
I think I have successfully installed pcl but I cannot import pcl
(myenv) rebeen@rebeen-Latitude-7480:~$ cd Downloads/
(myenv) rebeen@rebeen-Latitude-7480:~/Downloads$ cd python-pcl-master/
I want to use your code on my point cloud processing. but I have problem to use pcl and I cant build it. when I want to bui this with cmake it returns error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (f…
I installed the python-pcl, but when I import that, I have the following error:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pcl/_pcl.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3pcl7PCLBaseINS_8PointXYZEE10setIndicesERKN5boo…
I have the latest version of pcl installed
I'm now trying to compile python-pcl and I get the following error
In file included from pcl/_pcl.cpp:238…
Depth Threshold (Close/Far Points): 3.09294
New map created with 890 points
receive a keyframe, id = 33 第1个
[pcl::KdTreeFLANN::setInputCloud] Cannot create a KDTree with an empty input cloud!
## cmake不报错,也没有执行文件生成
1> 已为默认配置“x64-Debug”启动 CMake 生成。
1> 命令行: "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\chcp.com 65001 >NUL && "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO\202…
I tried to do "Install PCL from source with CUDA" on https://jsk-docs.readthedocs.io/projects/jsk_recognition/en/latest/install_pcl_from_source.html to use Kinfu, but errors occurred.
### Error pat…