https://github.com/Courseplay/Courseplay_FS22/wiki check
**Steps to reproduce**
Create a custom rectangular polygonal concave field. Generate a course for this field with the follo…
## Issue Details
I am running polygonal surface reconstruction, the very first example, and I get just bunch of faces of a box, that is not the same as the input shape:
**Revamping Map Projection Options and Semantics**
Background: Would like to reproduce the map at https://www.pref.toyama.jp/1510/kensei/kouhou/kankoubutsu/kj00000275.html
Projection is Azimuthal Eq…
I created a simple project and an atlas.
I notice some problems:
1. randomly the graphs are not printed when exported to PDF;
Hi, i am trying to visualize a set of 2D DICOM slices into 3D object. But the important thing is I have to apply the marching cube algorithm. I have been searching for solutions on many sites but foun…
I generate points on polygonal planar sphere but the reconstruction is really bad. What I am doing wrong?
I am using the first example: https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Polygonal_surface_reconstr…
Is there any reason to restrict the number of vertices per facet to be
It is time to start looking at how blocks will work. I plan to follow a scheme that is similar to other block-based games (ex: Terraria, Starbound) in that different blocks will be different types of …
Hi, I'm opening an issue that extends on the discussion related to issue #1492 (as this issue was closed and I'm not a repo collaborator, I cannot re-open the issue).
I'm trying to import a binary…