Requesting a new module for bcftools vcfstats output. Started to add data to the TestData repo and saw someone already did that a couple weeks ago, so I'll just submit this new issue as an up vote fo…
$ make install
gcc -rdynamic -o bcftools main.o vcfindex.o tabix.o vcfstats.o vcfisec.o vcfmerge.o vcfquery.o vcffilter.o filter.o vcfsom.o vcfnorm.o vcfgtcheck.o vcfview.o vcfannotate.o vcfroh.o…
a la https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29534519/why-gcc-doesnt-recognize-rdynamic-option
make all | grep bcftools
cd bcftools && /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make
gcc -rd…
Hi Everyone,
I am using bcftool-1.3.x and trying to plot the variant statistics from chk file
plot-vcfstats VQSR_snp99.0_raw_indel_QJ_12SAMPLE.vcf.vchk -p /share_bio/unisvx3/zengchq_group/sohail/_TI…
When running make on the cloned develop branch of bcftools, the following error occurs:
gcc -rdynamic -o bcftools main.o vcfindex.o tabix.o vcfstats.o vcfisec.o vcfmerge.o vcfquery.o vcffilter.o fil…
Select gene PDHA1 on spiked in platinum wgs variants for training session. The following errors are produced in the snpEff error log:
Mar 11 16:53:30 ip-172-32-45-253.ec2.internal docker[5307]: Erro…
The new version of bcftools (not the one installed, but freely available: http://www.htslib.org) includes a script that authomatically generates some plots that can be very useful to assess the qualit…
I am using the current vcflib (downloaded on 2015/04/16) compiled in CentOS7
( CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503, kernel 3.10.0-229.1.2.el7.x86_64)
When I try to run vcfstats on a vcf file generated…
Hello, I'm writing to ask if this lib should support version 4.1 VCF files because I'm trying various tools on a file (gotten from the GEUVADIS consortium) and I encounter different kind of errors (th…
`vcffilter -f "DP >= 10" file.vcf` segfaults.
I understand that >= operator is not supported (only >) but segfault is not desirable.